Millie Lace, Chair of COT Steering Committee

Millie Lace
Founder & Director International Helpline for Abortion Recovery
Millie Lace is the founder of Concepts of Truth and has been sharing the truth about life since 2001. After teaching junior high science for seven years, She received her master’s degree in clinical counseling and worked as a school counselor for four years. She then worked in private practice as a licensed professional counselor before founding Concepts of Truth as a ministry in 1998.
After a personal encounter with post-abortive trauma and healing, Millie launched Concepts of Truth to provide help and support to women and families who have been affected by abortion and reproductive loss. Since this time, the International Helpline for Abortion Recovery and Prevention has served thousands of women and families across the country, providing life-affirming crisis response 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. Millie now provides expert leadership and consultation as the chairperson of the Concepts of Truth Committee and advocates for life-affirming initiatives at the United Nations in New York City. Millie is a dynamic speaker, singer, songwriter, and author who is active is passionate about advocacy and her love for Jesus Christ. Born and raised in Eastern Arkansas, Millie and Dail have been married since 1974 and now live in Georgia. They have two sons and a daughter in heaven, are active in the music ministry of their local church.
Millie’s Personal Story of Post-Abortive Trauma
I still remember the sign that said: “Save Your Baby.” I remember crouching down in the seat of the car and telling my husband, “They don’t know why we are here, do they?” For you see, I didn’t think I was killing a baby but just getting rid of harmful tissue. It was 1979, and I had been taking an experimental drug for a tumor in my bladder. When I became pregnant, I was excited, but my doctor told me I could not have the baby because my life could be in danger and that my baby could be a monster. He said I must have a D & C (dilation and curettage) quickly before the baby’s heart started beating. I was seven weeks pregnant and a “mother’s health exception” candidate for an abortion, although the doctor never used that word.
I was 25 yrs. old, married to Dail, and we had a three-year-old son. I felt pressure to choose between my three-year-old I could see and the harmful “blob of tissue” that was the unknown. We were active church members and a Christian family. We called our parents, prayed, and decided to take the doctor’s advice. I thought I had to have this “cleaning out,” or I would not be around to raise my three-year-old. My doctor sent me to a Planned Parenthood facility in Little Rock. I wonder now why I was sent there if my pregnancy was at risk. I remember the cold table and the almost empty room. The nurse told me it would be over quickly, wouldn’t hurt, and that I could return to work in a couple of days. She was absolutely wrong! I remember hearing the machine and beginning to wonder, “What is happening to me?” One young girl lined up outside the room asked, “Was yours a boy or girl?” I gasped and couldn’t talk about it.
After coming home, I tried to walk and began hemorrhaging. More body parts came out as I went to the bathroom! I cried myself to sleep, and the depression began. I couldn’t even say the word abortion, and I wanted to punish myself. I repressed the event for over 12 years, continually had many pelvic infections, endometriosis, and had to have a hysterectomy at an early age. I will regret the decision for an abortion for the rest of my life and so will my husband.
But my healing began after hearing another woman’s testimony. I finally could admit the truth. What I had destroyed was not just tissue. It was a human life. So Dail and I went through abortion recovery, named our daughter Jill Allison, and gave her a memorial service.
Giving Jill Allison personhood and honor helped us grieve her death and heal. If you have had an abortion, we want you to know that you are not alone and that there is hope and healing. Abortion Recovery changed our lives!
Scheduling Millie Lace for Speaking Engagements:
For information on how to schedule a speaking engagement with Millie Lace, please contact her directly at